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Aim: 1 . To determine the values of the energy gap E g , for a given thermistor for two different values of current passing through it. 2. To determine the limiting value of the resistance R o. thermistor Conventional carbon and wire wound resistances have very less effect of temperature on their values of resistance. There is about 0.4 % change in the resistance value per degree change in the temperature. They are also linear i.e. they obey Ohm’s law. However, there is a class of resistances which are temperature sensitive and show a significant change in their resistance values with temperature. Such resistances are called thermistors. A change of about 6% to 8 % in their resistance values is observed with change in temperature. They are non-linear resistances. Thermisters are used as current limiters, temperature sensors, self-resetting overcurrent protectors and self-regulating elements. The first NTC thermistor was discovered in 1833 by Mich...