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Increase your concentration power with relaxing music,11 minutes relaxin...

What are some effective home remedies for foot fungus?

What are some effective home remedies for foot fungus? What are some effective home remedies for foot fungus? Take care of your foot and toenail There is a need for different skincare every season. Sometimes the dryness takes away the skin's tenderness, sometimes the black tint in the summer. Especially in the rainy season, skincare has to be done. Because, at this time, it is more difficult to get rid of the legs. There is a lot of dirt on the road, mud on such things. And while there is only wet water in the rainwater. Find out what should be done in foot care. It is important to take care of the feet every day like wash hands and mouth. Such a thinker, Dr.Rosa He suggested brushing his feet while bathing. Put the lotion, oil or petroleum jelly on your feet every night before sleeping. If you take these care every day, your skin problems will decrease. Dr.Rosa said, this time the risk of getting rash on the legs increased. Especially those whose skin ...

Environmental-friendly fashion and style

Environmental-Friendly Fashion and Style Sustainable fashion is day by day catering to a lot of designers and audiences. Basically, it’s a fast-growing movement, towards environmentally-friendly fashion. Eco-friendly fabrics embrace the body with soft and supple touch. There are various brands available like 1. Grassroots 2. H&M conscious 3. Mother Earth Brands like Nike, Marks and Spencer and Wal-Mart already started selling organic products. Organic clothing is gaining popularity across the globe. What is the effect of fast fashion brands on the environment? Environmental-friendly Products         According to the UN, 80% of wastewater is dumped into rivers untreated, including in the fashion industry. The  River Blue  is a really good documentary about how the fashion industry is creating dead zones in rivers, poisoning wildlife and people.      The wastewater is so bad because most clo...

benefit and importance of life insurance

The Benefit and Importance of Life Insurance What is life insurance? What is the benefit of life insurance? It is very important for us to know about it and we must have at least one life insurance for our family in our life. Let us, friends, tell you about the benefits of life insurance and its importance. What is life insurance and why? 1. For economic protection and economic security of the family: What is life insurance and why? Friends insurance is a facility in which we can financially strengthen ourselves and our family by saving our money according to our own will.    we should have an insurance requirement for the future of our family. Let's think once for a lot of families, only one person is earning in families and after the departure of the family, there is a very bad situation. If there is insurance, then our family can get out of economic paradise. Friends, there are a lot of plans and types of insurance such as:  There are ...

जीवन बीमा क्या है और क्यों करवाएँ ?

जीवन बीमा क्या है ? जीवन बीमा के लाभ क्या है ? इसके बारे में हमें पता होना बहुत जरुरी है और हमें अपने जीवन में अपने परिवार के लिए कम से कम एक जीवन बीमा तो अवश्य ही करवाना चाहीये. आइये दोस्तों हम आपको जीवन बीमा के लाभ और इसकी इम्पोर्टेंस के बारे में अच्छे से बताते है. जीवन बीमा क्या है और क्यों करवाएँ ? 1. आर्थिक बचत और परिवार की आर्थिक सुरक्षा के लिए: जीवन बीमा क्या है और क्यों करवाएँ ? दोस्तों बीमा एक ऐसी सुविधा है जिसमे हम अपनी मर्जी के अनुसार अपने रूपये की बचत करके खुद को और अपने परिवार को आर्थिक रूप से मजबूत कर सकते है. दोस्तों वैसे तो   बीमा के प्लान और प्रकार   काफी तरह के होते है जैसे : इनमे काफी बीमा प्लान ऐसे होते है जिनमे हमें डेथ होने पर तो क्लेम मिलता ही है और अगर हम बीमा पूरा होने तक सुरक्षित रहे तो भी हमें बीमा राशी मिलती है. जिससे हमारी बचत भी और बीमा भी दोनों एक साथ. इसलिए हमें अपने परिवार के भविष्य के लिए एक बीमा जरुरी करवाना चाहिए क्युकी दोस्तों एक बार सोचके देखिये काफी परिवारों में केवल एक ही व्यक्ति कमाने वाला होता है और उसके जाने के ब...