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What is climate change,Greenhouse gases and Global warming?

What is climate change? Established researchers and governments over the world are in assertion - the atmosphere is changing.               climate change What are Greenhouse gases and Global warming? what is climate change? Greenhouse effect  The earth is heated by sunlight and some of the heat that is absorbed by the earth is radiated back into space. However, some of the gases in the lower atmosphere acting like glass allow the incoming solar radiations (in the range of 300 – 2500nm) but do not allow the earth to radiate the heat back into space. In other words, these gases in the atmosphere are transparent to sunlight coming in but they strongly absorb the infrared radiation, which the earth sends back as heat. This result into the heating of the earth surface by this phenomenon called the “Green House Effect”. Greenhouse gases and Global warming...

तुलसी के उपयोग और फायदे-tulsi ke upyog aur fayede-health benefits of tulsi

तुलसी के उपयोग और फायदे-   प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा में तुलसी  के लाभ तुलसी के उपयोग और फायदे       तुलसी के कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ हैं। आइए जानते हैं कुछ ऐसे गुणों के बारे में जो हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए फायदेमंद हैं। तुलसी को धार्मिक और प्रथागत दवा के प्रयोजनों के लिए और इसके मूल तेल के लिए विकसित किया गया है। यह आमतौर पर एक प्राकृतिक चाय के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है , आमतौर पर आयुर्वेद में उपयोग किया जाता है , और हिंदू धर्म के वैष्णव रिवाज के अंदर एक स्थान शामिल है , जिसमें भक्त पवित्र तुलसी के पौधे या पत्तियों को शामिल करते हुए पूजा करते हैं।          तुलसी दो प्रकार की होती है , हरी पत्तेदार और शाम (काली) , काली पत्ती वाली श्यामा तुलसी सौंदर्य वर्धक होती है। इसके सेवन से त्वचा के सभी रोग ठीक हो जाते हैं। और त्वचा मूल रूप में प्रतिक्रिया करती है। तुलसी त्वचा के लिए आश्चर्यजनक रूप से लाभकारी है Read in English- Benefits of holy basil-Tulasi   प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा में तुलसी  के लाभ तुलसी के उपयोग और फायदे-tulsi ke upyog au...

Health Benefits of holy basil -Tulasi or tulsi

          Benefits of holy basil-Tulasi Benefits of holy basil-Tulasi Tulasi has many health benefits. Let’s know about some of the qualities that are beneficial for our health. Tulasi is developed for religious and customary medication purposes, and for its fundamental oil. It is generally utilized as a natural tea, ordinarily utilized in Ayurveda, and includes a place inside the Vaishnava custom of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship involving holy basil plants or leaves. हिंदी में पढ़े  January 09, 2019 तुलसी के उपयोग और फायदे-प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा में तुलसी के लाभ    Thiomol is found in basil, which is helpful in removing dermatitis. Mixing basil and lemon juice with equal amounts and mixing them on the face is okay. At the same time, the color of the face comes in a variety of colors.       Basil is of two types, green leafy and evening (black), black-leaf Shyama basil is a beauty enhancer....

Home remedies Fenugreek seeds is very effective and beneficial in indigestion/ मेथी अपच में बहुत प्रभावी और फायदेमंद है

Fenugreek is very effective and beneficial in indigestion/ मेथी अपच में बहुत प्रभावी और फायदेमंद है   Fenugreek rich with medicinal properties      Fenugreek has been making its place in every house for centuries. Especially, it is used in spices. Since its seeds have phosphate, lecithin, and nucleo-aluminum, these are nutritious and force-bearing cod liver oils. It contains nutrients such as folic acid, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, niacin, thiamine, carotene etc. Fenugreek is also used not only for enhancing flavor, but also to enhance beauty. Anti-cancerous elements are also found in fenugreek. It is beneficial for diabetes, high blood pressure, and stomach problems. Let us know about this fenugreek rich in medicinal properties through the medium of the article.   Dysfunctional / indigestion Fenugreek seeds are very useful in home remedies. Due to indigestion, swallowing half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with water, the problem is re...

Home remedies for vomiting and headaches in the journey-सफर में उल्टी और सिर दर्द रोकने के घरेलु उपाए

Home remedies for vomiting and headaches in the journey, before going into the journey, drink ginger juice will never be vomit/ सफर में उल्टी और सिर दर्द रोकने के घरेलु उपाए सफर में जाने से पहले पीएं अदरक का रस ,  कभी नहीं होगी उल्टी   If you have vomiting, jerk or a headache during travel, traveling for you becomes a problem. The person thinks that fastly he gets to his destination. Such people can neither enjoy the journey nor enjoy them with friends. If you too much fond of roaming But the due to vomiting, you do not do it. Today, we are telling you a recipe to stop vomiting, after knowing that you will be really happy.                                                                                                   G...