Environmental Protection - Scope and Importance Skip to main content

Environmental Protection - Scope and Importance


Environmental Protection - Scope and Importance

Nature consists of two very many complex, interdependent mutually reactive and interrelated entities – the organisms and the environment. The various principles that govern the relationships between the organisms and environment are ecology.


The term ‘environment ‘means surrounding in which the organisms live. It is the sum total of all biotic (living) and biotic (Non-living) factors that surround and potentially influence an organism.
Different components of the environment are interlinked and interdependent. The environment creates favorable condition s for the existence and development of living organisms. In context human beings, the environment can be defined in a number of ways.
(i)                  “Environment is the sum of all social, economic, biological, physical, chemical factor which constitutes the surrounding of man, who is both creator and molder of his environment”
(ii)                Environment refers to the sum of the total of conditions which surround man at a given point in space and time.
(iii)                “Environment is the representative of a Physical component  of the earth wherein man is an important factor influencing  his environment”

Need for Public Awareness

With the advancement in technology, the explosive increase in the human population, scarcity of space and food, deterioration of hygienic conditions, depletion of natural resources and socioeconomic problems, one need an extensive and exhaustive study of the environment, particularly in relation to human survival and benefit. The subject is gaining more popularity with its name as environment biology or environmental studies. However, the environmental biology is not a new discipline but simply an extension of ecological approach which stresses upon the study of the environment in its totality with special emphasis on the welfare of man.
In a larger sense, environment constitutes the various physical, mental, social, spiritual, education, economic and intellectual aspects of whole humanity and when kept healthy and inspiring. it promotes the progress and development of mankind.

There is a Chinese proverb:
“if you plan  for one year, plant rice, if you plan for 10  years plant trees  and if you plan for 100 years, educate people”
Therefore, if we want to manage our earth, we must make people environmentally educated.
According to UNESCO, the goals of environmental education are to develop a world population that is aware of and concerned about the total environment and its associated problem s and commitment to work individually and collectively towards the solution of current problem s and prevention of new ones.                     
Objectives of environmental education
The  intergovernmental conference on environment enducation held in tbilisi, USSR(1977) listed six objecttives . these are as follows.:
1.       Awareness: To help people acquire an awareness of and a sensitivity to the total environment and  its allied problem.
2.       Knowledge : To help people acquire basic understanding of the total environment and associated problem.
3.       Attitudes: To help people acquire social values, strong feeling of concern for the environment and the motivation to act in protection and improving  it.
4.       Skills : To help people acquire the skill for solving such problems.
5.       Evaluation ability : To help people evaluate measures and education programmes in terms of ecological, political, economical, social, aesthetic and educational factors: and
6.       Participation : To help people develop a sense of responsibility and urgency regarding environmental problem and solutions.
Principles of environmental education
The principles of environmental education are as follows:
1.       To appreciate the gifts of nature
2.       To help acquire knowledge of the immediate environment.
3.       To help understand the biotic  and abiotic environment.
4.       To help understand the inter-dependence of life at different trophic levels.
5.       To help develop interest in flora and funna of the environment
6.       To help develop interest in the community and the problem of the people and society.
7.       To love the neighbours and mankind as a whole.
8.       To help the causes of social tensions and to suggest method for avoiding them.

Importance  of environment  education

The main importance of environmental education are as follows:
1.       Environment educationis important for the economy and welfare of human society.
2.       It help us in careful handling the issues like pollution menance, over-exploitation of natural resources, food  security and sustainable development.
3.       In this age of science and technology, eco-friendly technology or eco-technology is the need of hour, because it promotes blending of the traditional knowlwdge and technology with modern technologies . It can be achived only through proper environmental education.
4.       Receless use of agrochemicals  has degraded the environment and has disturbed the ecological balance.environmental education helps us to find ways and means to maintain the ecological balance.
5.        Environment education demonstrates how man can derives benefits from the environment without destroying it,
6.       Environmental education trains us to conserve ous fast depleting natural resources.
7.       The environment has been a sources of happiness for man and time has come to preserve this happiness for man by imparting environmental education.
The scope of Environment Education
Environment studies is very important and has following scopes;
1.       There is a need for trained manpower at every level to deal with environmental issue like safe and clean drinking water, hygienic condition , clean and fresh air , fertile land , healthy food and sustainable development.
2.       Environment protection and management, environmental laws, business administration and environmental engineering are emerging as new carrier opportunities.
3.       Since the pollution control law, becoming more stringent, industries need environment experts to control pollution and disposal wastes.
4.       Environmental expert are now in great demand in industries for adopting green technologies to reduces pollution and cut down the cost of effluent treatment.
5.       These days there is huge market world over for waste disposal and pollution control technologists and environmental experts.
6.       If we want to live in a clean, healthy, aesthetically, beautiful, safe and secure environment for a long time and wish to hand over a clean and safe earth to our children, we will have to include environmental experts in all developmental and policy-making committees.         

Social Issues and the Environment


Today we need energy for agriculture, industry, transport communication, comfort, and defense.
(i)                Regular supply of electricity has become indispensable in high rising buildings multiplexes and shopping malls of the cities.generator set cause hazardous air noise pollution.
(ii)              In many cities and towns, water supply is dependent on electricity. Acute shortage of drinking water is faced by the people living in these areas during the peak summers due to short supply of electricity.
(iii)               These days many of the house jobs such as cooking of food, washing of clothes, cleaning of the house etc. have become electricity based in urban areas. Shortage of electricity makes the life miserable, of the people living in the cities.
(iv)            The modern lifestyle of the cities use a large number of electrical gadgets in houses, offices and business establishments which becomes non-operational when electricity is not available .
(v)              Means of transportation (i.e.automobiles, trains, metro-rails, etc used for the movement difficult.
(vi)            Industrial plants use a big proportion of energy. Industrial production is badly affected in the shortage of energy.
(vii)           The disposal of urban waste in many cities is also affected as it uses energy based  techniques.

Measures to save Electricity
Following measures can be taken to save electricity:
(i)                  Turn off lights and fans as soon as you leave the room.
(ii)                Use tube light and energy efficient bulb that save energy rather than bulbs. A 40 W tube light gives as much as a 100 W bulb.
(iii)                Switch off the television or radio as soon as the program of interest is over.
(iv)              Use pressure cooker, as it can save upto 70 % of the energy required for cooking . It is also faster.
(v)                Keep the vessel covered with a lid during cooking , as it help to cook faster , thus save energy.
(vi)              Regular dusting of bulb and tubes as dust deposited , on these equipments decreases the lighting  level 20-30 %.


1.       Prevention of Run-Off Losses
2.       Reduction of Irrigation Losses
3.       Prevention of Wastage of Water.
4.       Re-use of Water.
Rain Water Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is a technique of collection of rainwater and shorting it by constructing special water harvesting structure for later use. It not only increase water availability but also checks the water – table.
(i)               It checks the runoff water and avoid flooding.
(ii)             It help in meeting the increase demand of water.
(iii)            It help in raising the water table by reacharing groud water.
(iv)           It suppliment  ground water supplies during season.
(v)             It also reduces groundwater contamination

Watershed Management

Watershed management is defined “ the rational utilization of land and water resources for for optimum production that causes  minimum damage to the natural resources.
Importance of watersheds: water supply water for irrigation, hydro-powergeneration transportation, domestic use and reduce the change of floods and droughts. They play significant role in the productivity of land and economy of the country.

Method of Watershed Management  :

1.       Water harvesting: In low rainfall areas, rain water is stored in water harvesting structure for the use of dry seasons.
2.       Promotion of afforestationand agroforestry(crop plantation): Plantation of tree prevents run  off loss and soil erosion, and also increase soil moisture. In high rainfall areas rows of woody tress such as sheelam (Dallbergia), Teak (Tectona), Kikar (Acacia) Safeda (Eucalyptus) etc, are grown in between crop to reduce the run off and loss of fertile soil.
3.       Mechanical measures: The measures like terracing banding contour cropping etc., are promoted in the slopy reasons of watersheds.
4.       Scientific mining and quarrying: Mining and quarrying the hills in planned and scientific manner can minimize the destructive effects in watershed areas.
5.       People‘s participation: Participation of local people including farmers and tribals  should be promoted in the soil and water conservation programmes people should be properly educated about the benefits of watershed management programmer .     
               Causes of displacement
1.       Displacement Due to Dams:
2.       Displacement Due to Mining:
3.       Displacement Due to mining:
4.       Displacement Due to Creation of National Parks:
5.       Displacement Due to Natural Disaster:


   The important provisions and legislation which are meant for the protection of the environment in India are given below:
Constitutional Provisions
India is the first country in the world to have provision for the protection and conservation of the environment in its constitution.5th June is celebrated as World Environment Day all over the world
The provisions were made through 42nd amendment of the constitution in 1977 which are as follows:
(i)                  Article 48-A: “the state shall endeavor to protect the improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wildlife of the country” 
(ii)                Article 51A(g): It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forest, lakes, rivers, and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures.
(iii)               Article 47,48 and 51 A: it is the duty of the state to protect and improve the environment and duty of the state to protect and improve the environment and public health and provide pollution-free water, air and environment for the public.
The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
This act came into force on Nov. 19, 1986, the birth anniversary of our Late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Powers and functions of Central Government
(i)To Set up the standard of quality of air, water or soil for various areas and purpose.
(ii) To set up maximum permissible limits of concentration of various environmental pollutants (Including noise) for different areas.
(iii) To lay procedure and safeguards for handling of the hazardous substance.
(iv) To set up prohibition and restriction on the handling of the hazardous substance in different areas.
(v) To restrict the areas where industry, operation or processing shall not be allowed.(vi)to lay procedure and safeguards for the prevention of accidents, which may cause environmental pollution and to provide remedial   measures for such accidents. (Vii) to examine manufacturing processes, material and substance which are likely to environmental pollution. 
 (viii)To carry out and sponsoring investigation and research relation to problems of environmental pollution.(ix) Establishment and recognition of environment laboratories.
(x) Preparation of manuals, codes or guides relating to the problems of environmental pollution.(xi) Collection and dissemination of information in respect of matter relating to environment pollution.(xii) Such other matters as the central Government may deem necessary for the purpose of securing effective implementation of this act.
Under section 3(3) of this act, the central government may constitute an authority to exercise power and perform function as mentioned above. 
Under section 5 of this act, the central government can issue directions to any person officer or any 




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